Biosolids SPOTLIGHT: A focus on the people of biosolids who work in our region

January 2025 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 

SPOTLIGHT on Maryland Environmental Services

“Biosolids in a plain brown wrapper” is how Al Razik describes the program he designed and implemented as senior engineer at the Maryland Environmental Services (MES). Though officially retired in 2024 after 38 years, Al remains engaged with MES’s biosolids program, aiding new manager Heather Fritz and the team of four field personnel who conduct inspections, prepare compliance documents, and aid in public communications.  The entire biosolids team at MES embodies a deep and infectious commitment to environmental stewardship and community that has turned this “brown” into gold for farmers, ratepayers and soils. 

Those of us with our heads always in biosolids may not fully appreciate the wide range of environmental management services MES offers in Maryland, of which biosolids is merely one. MES is an unusual organization. It is a not-for-profit agency of the State of Maryland established to manage the quality of air, land, water, and natural resources, employing over 800 people and operating more than 1,000 environmental projects.  Biosolids management is one of the units under the Water and Wastewater Group.  Another unit close in kind to biosolids is the MES operation of the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility, which accepts yard debris and food waste for composting, and manages the distribution and marketing of LeafGro. MES also advises on waste recycling and on management of solid waste landfills.  In addition, MES provides for Marylander’s operations and maintenance of dredging facilities, wetlands management, forest conservation surveys, site remediation consultation, and engineering and survey services. 

Heather Fritz assumed the senior position in the biosolids management program at MES with Razik’s retirement.  For public sector managers accustomed to one or a few biosolids sources, the MES program can seem bewildering in its web of origins and destinations for solids.  Fritz explains “the Biosolids Program [in 2024] managed 72 WWTP facilities' sludge and biosolids in 2024. The majority of the smaller facilities transfer their sludge to three larger plants throughout the State for further treatment to Class B biosolids using lime stabilization. These three facilities are: Dorsey Run Advanced WWTP, Freedom District WWTP, and MD Correctional Institution WWTP. Dewatered Class B biosolids are then land applied by a contractor to agricultural land in the State of Virginia. This land application program is a simple ‘no frills’ cost effective program for managing biosolids and has been reliably practiced for the past 30 years with few problems. The MES Biosolids Program also includes preparation of nutrient management plans in Maryland for a few aerobically digested liquid biosolids land application sites and wastewater spray irrigation fields for our clients.”

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MES operates three wastewater facilities that separate, stabilize and dewater solids for recycling to farmlands in the state. The Freedom WWTP operates a centrifuge, and the Maryland Correctional Facility WWTP has a belt press. The third and larger plant, the Dorsey Run Advanced WWTP is currently undergoing an upgrade from belt press to centrifuge dewatering. 

Fritz explains further that “another key function of the program is its third-party independent field monitoring service. MES provides this function for DC Water's Blue Plains Advanced WWTP” which produces Bloom, a “first in class” biosolids product that is thermally hydrolyzed, then anaerobically digested and dewatered by belt presses. MES participates in the utilization program for that portion of the production of Bloom delivered to agricultural customers in Virginia. Under the current permits issued by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ), permits that may be revised in the future, the VADEQ requires a third-party to witness and verify compliance of bulk sales of Bloom on Virginia farms and forests.   MES also provides third-party monitoring for WSSC Water's biosolids, historically the lime-amended solids generated by five WRRFs and now recently the thermally hydrolyzed anaerobically digested biosolids coming out of the Piscataway Bioenergy Plant. 

While Fritz provides the central office control of this tapestry of biosolids services, the field personnel have been the key to the nearly four-decade biosolids success story. Fritz says the field inspectors “are pivotal to the success of the field monitoring program. As Virginia certified land appliers, they gather pertinent field and biosolids data to ensure the biosolids of our clients meet required standards and are field applied following State and Federal regulations. Not only do they monitor land application, but they are on scene during incidents such as vehicle accidents resulting in material spills of our clients biosolids and stay throughout to assist and confirm successful cleanup.”

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This springtime picture of a land application operation shows it all. The dump trailer unloading biosolids cake, the front-end loader waiting at the temporary pile, and the tractor-pulled manure spreader ready to spread the biosolids. The landscape is nearly level, and the sky clear for a great day of biosolids recycling.

Will Forbes is the Senior Operations Manager in the biosolids unit.  An employee with MES for 25 years, Forbes today manages the logistics of the third-party field monitoring program. He directs inspector duties and works with clients, contractors, the public, and other regulatory professionals. As much as any biosolids manager, Forbes has seen the sweep of changes in biosolids programs. When he started out, “all of the farmers in Virginia and Maryland wanted to sign up for the free fertilizer…”  MES inspectors, always present at application sites and willing to step up and talk to the public, have worked hard to engage in responsive public education.  And for years one hard issue to work through was odors, with a lot of public complaints, and it had to work though an urban stigma (“sludge is infested with drugs”).  Forbes says the digestion process at DC Water’s Blue Plains plant is a “game changer,” so that conversations with folks who stop to ask questions about field operations end up ignoring the odor issue, turning to topics of sports and current events, and neighbors come to understand that MES field inspectors are trusted professionals, ready to answer questions and record complaints and concerns. Police have occasionally stopped for information, and Forbes finds that these conversations effectively get back to local citizens who may have reported concerns. Forbes and his fellow inspectors have been tracking the growing concern for “forever chemicals,” and will be waiting for developments in Maryland and Virginia on PFAS regulation.  He is wary of looming public concern for health and environmental risks for biosolids-borne PFAS, but, so far, no questions have been raised during field inspections.  

Skylar Harris is now 18 years as a field inspector in the biosolids program.  “I love every part of my job, what it is doing for the environment and farmers and for what it means to my family… I want to do it every day until I retire.” Harris’s commitment is borne of his direct experience working with farmers and landowners. He carries within his smart phone a picture of tree trunk cores showing the growth response to a biosolids silviculture application made in 2018, with the landowner’s note “looks like 3X growth… huge, huge difference.”  His commitment is also borne of his confidence from completing the Virginia DEQ Land Appliers Certification program, as has the full team of inspectors, and also from becoming a certified nutrient manager planner, allowing him to see the complete picture of nutrient issues, animal and human.

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This is a set of three tree cores provided to Skylar Harris by a forest landowner raving about the “huge, huge” growth effects of a biosolids application to a plantation. The core on the top shows the far wider rings of tree growth in a biosolids-fertilized tree compared to two other cores of trees in unfertilized lands. 

Dennis Harris has been a biosolids inspector for 18 years and can provide personal testimony to the tremendously improved quality of the Blue Plains biosolids that anaerobic digestion has created. In particular, he notes that half the number of truck deliveries are needed to meet farmer needs as a result of the thermal hydrolysis treatment, and he points to the consistency of the product’s moisture and texture, ensuring an even spreading for good crop response. In the past, Blue Plain’s limed product tended to have hard clumps that did not break down properly, leading to uneven crop response and odor complaints. Among the improvements Harris witnessed was the introduction of barcodes on truck weigh tickets, which feed a GIS-based information system for tracking loads of biosolids from WRRFs to farms. Harris also has been in the field to witness the tragic and the comic: he has for example attended to truck accident incidents, and on another occasion, he raised a red flag when he noted a spreading operation was proposed at a farm advertising a public hayride.  

A feature of the MES biosolids program that is renowned is its odor assessment work. A key part of the program to manage the Blue Plains and WSSC’s biosolids programs over the past three decades had been to reduce the frequency of odor complaints associated with the use of DC’s lime stabilized biosolids. As part of that commitment to best practices, MES’s third party monitoring included establishing for each daily operation the intensity of biosolids odors.  The field inspectors were trained in the use of a “Nasal Ranger,” a field olfactometer that provides an objective measure of odor intensity. Over 30,000 odor readings have been captured in the MES database since introduction of this tool, including field odor measures for biosolids from Alexandria, Virginia, and the city of Philadelphia, in addition to the Blue Plains and WSSC biosolids.

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The inspector is measuring with a Nasal Ranger Field Olfactometer the odor strength in air downwind of the land spreading operation to objectively judge risks of odor nuisances. 

MES’s “simple plain brown wrapper” biosolids program,  while today well-serving agencies, farmers and regulators, may see changes in the future. Drivers include evolving biosolids standards for PFAS and evolving technologies for destroying PFAS and other compounds of potentially long-term concern (e.g., microplastics).  MES Biosolids Management continues to gather data on best processing practices in the ever changing climate of biosolids, and in the meantime, farmers will continue to line up for the biosolids nutrients generated from communities in Maryland and DC and provided to them with this “plain brown wrapper” biosolids program.

For more information, contact Mary Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.


December 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 

SPOTLIGHT on Updates for 2024

2024 has felt like a year of looming transitions. In the political realm in the United States, this certainly is true. In the world of biosolids, this is particularly true with PFAS.  EPA’s assessment of biosolids-borne PFAS is awaited, with no small amount of trepidation, with state-sponsored surveys of biosolids generators in Maryland and New York, and with research into biosolids-borne PFAS pathways, notably Dr. Ian Pepper.  But we also have transitions in the forms of retirements and job changes.  Greg Kester is retiring from CASA, the California counterpart to MABA, and his position is being filled by Maile Lono-Batura, signaling the need at WEF to fill the position of national biosolids lead.  Big projects are nearing completion, enabling agencies to transition to Class A levels of pathogen reduction, none bigger than the WSSC Water’s Piscataway Bioenergy Plant.  Several thermal destruction projects were underway in 2024 and awaiting completion in 2025 which may also fundamentally expand technology options in the region. If 2024 is a year of transition, then 2025 may naturally become the year of conclusions. 

All MABA SPOTLIGHTS in 2024 have acknowledged strong efforts by teams of biosolids practitioners to “make things work well” with biosolids. No SPOTLIGHT is more compelling than that of Bloom, the DC Water soil product marketed by Blue Drop. It demonstrates the perseverance of a strong vision, one that combines a great product that “sells itself” and meets the test of consumer preferences, with that of a sound story of resource recovery and a circular economy, genuinely and uniquely serving the farm and garden community.  The September 2024 SPOTLIGHT describes the important public works, golf courses and recreational facilities for which Bloom supplies nutrients and organic matter. In 2024, yet more new golf courses, landscape companies and farms were added to their growing roster of customers. For agricultural outlets of Bloom, the summer drought underscored the economic and environmental benefits of Bloom over commercial fertilizers. In 2025, DC Water and Blue Drop look forward to the completion of a paved, covered curing pad that will provide increased storage and production capacity for Bloom’s value-added customers. 

DC Water’s strong vision inspired the region’s largest new biosolids project of 2024, the WSSC Water Piscataway Bioenergy Plant.  This new plant was explored in detail in the November 2024 SPOTLIGHT, as the ribbon cutting on October 30th marked the near full operation of this transformational solids system. This transformation included an interlinked transportation system for the agency’s six plants, the centralized thermal hydrolysis of solids, digestion of treated solids through new mesophilic digesters, treatment of biogas for energy capture, and production of a Class A dewatered biosolids product. The project was managed through a special contract system that brought it to completion on schedule and on budget even during the disruption of the global pandemic.

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The Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process, with its reactors at WSSC Water shown here, is a key component of solids treatment for both DC Water Blue Plains Advanced WWTP and for WSSC Water’s Piscataway Bioenergy Project for achieving through mesophilic digestion a high degree of volatile solids destruction, superior biogas production and low odor biosolids cake.

While WSSC Water is at one end of the scale of transformations, the Borough of Quakertown’s project, reported in the February 2024 SPOTLIGHT, is at the other end, but for this Pennsylvania community, no less transformational. Using the proprietary high-solids digester technology of the Anaergia company, Quakertown has new digesters under construction and has prepared for the biogas fueled generators and its high strength organic waste receiving station, as it moves toward energy self-sufficiency.  Much of this work is expected to be completed in 2025. 

Though not a focus of a SPOTLIGHT in 2024, a project similar to Quakertown’s is underway at State College, Pennsylvania. Having reached the life expectancy of an enclosed biosolids composting facility, which for its time was a groundbreaking Class A treatment facility, the University Area Joint Authority embarked on a project to optimize energy and resource recovery, with a focus on digestion and biogas. As reported in the local newspaper (An $81M project underway at UAJA will turn waste into renewable energy. Here’s how), this is a $81 million replacement to the compost plant.  The project for UAJA has been led by Jason Wert, of Rettew Engineers, a MABA member who has participated in MABA programs in which his client Tom Darby of the Hermitage Food Waste to Energy Facility was featured.  A key partner in supplying equipment to UAJA has been Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, also a MABA member, which offers its proprietary Monsal 55 digester system, featuring thermophilic batch tanks. The Monsal tanks will separately digest to Class A standards the wastewater solids and trucked-in food waste, but the two digestates will be blended together.  The biogas off of the digesters will be cleaned up for pipeline injection as a renewable natural gas.  The blended digestate will be sent to Veolia belt dryers for a second point of Class A pathogen compliance, and the resulting product is expected to be low odor and suitable for commercial uses.

Few public utilities in the United States can claim the integration of energy and resource recovery better than that achieved by Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority (RVSA).  As explained in the October 2024 SPOTLIGHT, RVSA’s digesters produce biogas, the gas drives electric generators, waste heat from generators dries biosolids into recyclable products, and food waste supplements the digesters to produce more gas for plant electricity. To this equation will be added in 2025 an agreement hammered out in 2024 to have Waste Management, the current supplier of the food waste, install, own and operate a gas clean up system that will produce a Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) meeting pipeline injection standards.  The value of RNG is substantially higher than the natural gas needed to power the generators, so RVSA has a financial gain with this relationship.

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Rahway Valley Sewerage Authority is a leader in the Mid-Atlantic region in implementing a vision of deploying capacity in its anaerobic digesters to accept supplemental high strength organic waste, as shown in this picture of the receiving station for Waste Management’s “engineered bioslurry,” for the enhanced production of renewable natural gas planned by RVSA for pipeline injection.

The MABA SPOTLIGHT for 2024 has shown its light on some important expansions within the region in biosolids “productification” capacities.  This is the evolution of solids treatment systems to produce materials that meet the Class A pathogen standard and that are suited for professional and consumer use in landscapes and gardens.  This evolution includes two large regional composting plants, featured in the April 2024 SPOTLIGHT.  Both were completed in mid-2024 and both are located adjoining municipal solid waste landfills. One was built by McGill Compost in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania (McGill Fairless Hills), and the other by Synagro, in Cumberland County, New Jersey (Cumberland County Organics Recycling Facility). Both facilities enter 2025 very nearly at full operating capacity, and both are deploying composting systems that, while drawing on well-known principles and practices, inevitably require tweaking for best performance. Both facilities accept biosolids from multiple public agencies.  Both facilities have begun shipments of compost and are preparing for their first Spring market, and together they will more than double the volume of biosolids compost currently in production in the mid-Atlantic region. Tom Herlihy of Synagro is particularly proud that the compost produced in Cumberland, using the turned aerated pile composting system, has been achieving very high scores on the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance measures for germination and seedling vigor, which Tom believes is the single most important “bioassay” for compost. And while many biosolids practitioners have been sitting back, waiting for words from EPA on the future of regulations of PFAS contaminants, neither compost plant has seen PFAS become an issue for its biosolids suppliers or for its compost customers.

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Biofiltration of indoor air is a key aspect of commercial scale biosolids composting process, this picture illustrates the scale of the biofilter at Synagro’s Cumberland County Organics Recycling Facility.

The July 2024 SPOTLIGHT featured emerging thermal conversion technologies EarthCare Solutions, Bioforcetech, Ecoremedy and CHAR Technologies

The merchant gasifier facility installed by EarthCare Solutions in Bethel, Pennsylvania, is the furthest along of the thermal projects in the mid-Atlantic region. It has two process gasifier trains, one devoted to poultry manure and the other to biosolids. Both lines have been in full operation, though both also are occasionally held offline so that improvements can be made. Sean Sweeney, director of operations, explains that the biosolids gasification system is being upgraded to better handle fine particles, reducing the proportion that are captured in air pollution control equipment and enabling their reintroduction to the gasifier itself. EarthCare is also modifying the receiving area for quicker unloading of trucks, including a higher speed belt and a longer conveyor reach for higher stacking.

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Of the five thermal facilities under construction in the Mid-Atlantic region, the Earthcare Solutions facility in Bethel, Pennsylvania, is the closest to full operation, with the two gasifier trains shown in this photograph, one for poultry litter and the other dedicated to biosolids cake.

Bioforcetech has been working at the Ephrata Borough treatment plant to bring its Pyreg pyrolysis unit into full performance. Ephrata expects that in first quarter 2025 commissioning can begin, so heat coming off the pyrolyzer can replace the temporary use of propane for the drying of the solids ahead of gasification. 

Two other thermal units continue to be pursued, the CHAR Technologies mobile unit by Synagro and the Ecoremedy gasifier by the Derry Township Municipal Authority. This latter facility met a milestone with the signing of contracts in November for construction of the gasifier and related equipment.  Maryland regulators have the CHAR unit in front of its permit writers, and Synagro expects approval in 2025.

To these four thermal processes in the region can be added a fifth project, the Aries Kearny Biosolids Processing Facility. For a few years now, Aries Clean Technologies has worked to iron out problems with this facility, which is designed to daily gasify over 400 tons of biosolids cake for disposal, with the ash used as a concrete additive.  According to an October 3 press release, the facility has now achieved “integrated processing.” An operator at the Linden-Roselle Sewerage Authority says that Aries is still in “shake down,” and has not yet sought any biosolids for processing.

The January 2024 SPOTLIGHT on BaltimoreDepartment of Public Works’s biosolids operations featured plans to turn around conditions that had threatened regulatory and permit compliance by the city at both the Patapsco and Back River plants.  As 2025 approaches, elements are in place for the turn around: Jacobs Solutions was contracted to handle the solids side of treatment, and major repairs are underway on the Egg-Shaped Digesters. While dryers located at each of the two plants are not operating, their owner, Synagro, is taking the contractually required solids for disposal. Biosolids that are dewatered by Jacob at Back River are delivered to Veolia for composting, an element of the original biosolids plan that has performed throughout the troubles.  To provide a long-range solution, Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, Chief Technology Officer, has led the issuance in November 2024 of a Request for Proposals, due in 2025, to provide Baltimore with a comprehensive DBFOM biosolids project (design-build-finance-operate-maintain) for a “best-in-class solution.”  

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Baltimore City Composting Facility has been operating through the changes underway to solids processing at the Back River plant, and is now receiving its dewatered cake from Jacobs, the contractor for the city managing the solids treatment systems.

The May 2024 SPOTLIGHT featured sludge incinerators.DELCORA in Chester, Pennsylvania, has the largest incinerator operation, with twin Multiple Hearth Incinerators (MHIs) handling 20,000 dry metric tons of solids annually (DMT/a). The Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA)incinerates 10,000 DMT/a and operates the region’s fourth largest set.  Both facilities serve as regional sludge disposal centers, and both have been modified in recent years to meet national standards for Sewage Sludge Incinerators (SSI).  Nevertheless, the search for improvements is constant.  For DELCORA’s Mike Disantis, the challenge has been dealing with cyanide formation in the incinerators, which can give rise to compliance issues on the liquid side. To fix this problem, the agency is installing an afterburner to destroy the compounds that can form cyanide.  At ACUA, Joe Pantalone has been sorting through options for improved reliability and fuel efficiencies, setting up some straightforward replacements of induction fans on the scrubbers and looking to make consistent the moisture content of the sludge feedstock, by improving dewatering and blending of outside cakes. Disantis and Pantalone are both watching the unfolding issue with PFAS, as incineration is regarded as a potential technology for destroying biosolids-borne PFAS, yet neither manager expects to be on a leading edge of studying stack emissions for PFAS, at least until a federally approved test method is available.

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DELCORA operates the largest set of sewage sludge incinerators in the Mid-Atlantic region, with its multiple hearth incinerators processing 20,000 dry metric tons of sludges annually; installation of afterburners is planned in 2025 to reduce cyanide formation.

If the September SPOTLIGHT on Bloom discusses one of the finest examples of a program for Class A biosolids, then the June 2024 SPOTLIGHT feature of Henrico County, Virginia, is one of the finest examples of a program for a Class B biosolids.  The Henrico process and program were the subject of a tour for attendees of the MABA Summer Symposium.  Division Director James Grandstaff, Henrico Department of Public Utilities Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), stands by his biosolids program for meeting today’s goals, which include a focus on serving his nearby agricultural community, while looking well into the future.

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Henrico County’s Water Reclamation Plant produces a Class B biosolids cake supplied by Synagro to a loyal roster of farmers in eastern Virginia who benefit from the close attention by Henrico’s plant operators to high biosolids quality.

The many agencies and companies that MABA SPOTLIGHTs presented in 2024 have in common the story of how diligence and perseverance are hallmarks of success in accomplishing cost effective, sustainable and environmentally beneficial biosolids management.  2025 will be a great year for biosolids in the Mid-Atlantic region.

For more information, contact Mary Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.


November 2024 - MABA Biosolids Spotlight 

Provided to MABA members by Bill Toffey, Effluential Synergies, LLC 

SPOTLIGHT on Piscataway Bioenergy Plant

When WSSC Water’s Theon Grojean was introduced at a construction industry seminar in 2017 to an “alternative delivery system” for public works projects, one message he heard from the dais was this: “if you are starting on your first Progressive Design-Build (PBD) project, start small.”  But there was nothing small about what WSSC Water was looking at; it was nothing short of a total reconstruction of solids handling, affecting all of its WRRFs, the largest capital project in agency history. As Grojean and his bosses saw the project, everything about solids handling would change – stabilization processes would be moved to a centralized facility, its long-standing lime stabilization processes would be ended due to risks of community odor complaints; and anaerobic digestion would be introduced to reduce solids and capture energy. These plans for solids were also following on the heels of WSSC Water’s upgrade to liquid treatment with enhanced nutrient removal, a process that would inherently change solids dewaterability in the wrong direction.

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The Piscataway Bioenergy Project is a regional facility handling solids from the Piscataway WRRF, WSSC Water’s largest plant at 30 MGD flow, and from 4 of the agency’s other facilities that together have a flow of about 65 MGD.

Yet, “PBD” had worked for DC Water in its half-billion-dollar biosolids project at Blue Plains, and that was encouraging to Grojean. The promise of PBD, as laid out by the Design-Build Institute of America, hit all the right notes. As DBIA asserts, PBD is “a highly collaborative, fully integrated undertaking that is built on trust, mutual respect, teamwork, innovation and creative problem solving.”  If a project could benefit for collaboration and integration, the concept hatched for WSSC Water’s Piscataway plant in Accokeek, Maryland, was it. Jumping ahead 8 years, PBD was the mechanism of public infrastructure investment that has brought the Piscataway Bioenergy Project to the point of near completion. 

The first step in PBD is the selection by WSSC Water of an “owner’s agent,” who could effectively watch for the agency’s interests in all stages of the complex processes -- planning, design, costing, bidding and constructing.  WSSC Water selected HDR, Inc., a national comprehensive engineering firm with a strong presence in the mid-Atlantic and with a vice-president who had worked for many years on WSSC Water projects, Larry Hentz. Hentz, who for many years served on the MABA board of trustees, came to the role of owner’s agent with deep experience of the WSSC Water’s wastewater system, including being a lead on a biosolids master plan in 2005 that preceded the emergence of the centralization plan. Hentz thought he was heading toward retirement when the call came in 2018, but he has now seen the WSSC Water’s bioenergy project through to its near completion today.  This project has been a good fit for Hentz’s interests, as he has helped guide other important and complicated biosolids projects, such as in Howard County and in Baltimore County. 

The key step in PDB is selection of the firm that is the lead in coordinating design, engineering, and construction. This is a competitively bid contract, and for WSSC Water the firm PC Construction, out of Vermont, provided the best offer. PC Construction was not new to wastewater projects, with highly regarded projects in Fairfax and Prince Williams counties. Neither was it new to the Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process, a technology pre-selected and purchased by WSSC Water for solids pretreatment, as PC had been part of the DC Water project.  

Important to WSSC Water was PC Construction’s selection of a design and engineering team with which WSSC Water was well acquainted – Stantec and Hazen and Sawyer. Matt Van Horne, associate vice president at Hazen, threw himself into the project, leaving his voluntary position on the MABA Board of Trustees to devote his full attention to the Piscataway project. Among the elements that provoked Van Horne’s early attention was the design of the digesters.  As Piscataway is across the Potomac River from historic Mount Vernon, digesters were required to have a low profile, but poor foundation conditions and hydraulic issues prevented their deep placement. Rapid Volume Expansion within digesters can arise from a combination of rich feed and difficult mixing, posing a risk of overflows and spills. This concern led to several innovative design solutions, including a flume that would direct overflow from the digesters back to the headworks and a system to deliver emergency electricity to digester mixers in the event of plant power outage. Another design concern was in struvite control, an issue made salient by recent conversion of several WSSC Water’s plants to enhanced nutrient removal, which can cause phosphorus release during anaerobic digestion, leading to a risk of deposits throughout the digested solids and filtrate treatment systems.  Several proprietary systems for handling struvite served as options for phosphorus extraction as a fertilizer or for phosphorus sequestration within the solids. The use of ferric chloride to sequester soluble P as a near term solution was the approach selected for Piscataway.

Piscataway has benefited from serendipity.  WSSC Water embarked on its plans to replace odorous lime stabilization and to consider centralization prior to DC Water’s success at its Blue Plains plant with the Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP). But with this nearby facility as a successful model, WSSC Water could have confidence in DC’s experience. WSSC Water’s team then extended that experience with visits to Cambi projects in Europe that included regional treatment of multiple solids sources, as WSSC Water was considering.  Having selected THP, and having proceeded with its purchase in 2018, WSSC Water then managed to dodge the unforeseeable supply chain disruptions that later occurred during the covid pandemic, thus enjoying a serendipitous timing. 

A second serendipity is the value of the biogas WSSC Water will be producing at Piscataway.  The nation-wide value of renewable natural gas (RNG) derived from municipal digesters became more predictable and actionable as Piscataway planning proceeded.  WSSC Water could count on revenue from selling its RNG to Montgomery County to help power about half of its fleet if natural gas Ride On buses and to the utility Washington Gas under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program

A third serendipity is the value of the biosolids product WSSC Water will produce.  With DC Water having invested substantial effort and time in its marketing of its Bloom biosolids product, WSSC Water will be using “lessons learned” with Bloom and the experience of DC’s marketing team at Blue Drop in designing a WSSC Water utilization program.  Malcolm Taylor has been a fierce investigator into maximizing the quality of the biosolids and balancing those features with the potential customers. Taylor introduced his “Handleability Index” to help inform the targeted product users. WSSC Water has teamed up with Hazen and Material Matters, another key biosolids consultant and MABA member, to develop a marketing plan. 

A fourth serendipity is emergence of approaches to ammonia removal from filtrate produced at the belt filter presses, a process known as “deammonification.”  A potentially serious downside of centralized dewatering of anaerobically digested solids is high ammonia in return centrate from dewatering, making compliance with effluent nitrogen standards difficult to achieve.  Systems deploying a class of bacteria known as “anammox” can convert ammonia to nitrogen gas with significantly less oxygen and supplemental carbon requirements, an approach which has come on the treatment scene in the past two decades and a process far more energy efficient than alternatives.  WSSC Water is installing anammox treatment to keep ammonia return to the headworks within levels that enable the agency to attain nitrogen loadings assigned to its WRRFs in this very sensitive watershed of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. 

A fifth serendipity is with the status of WSSC Water’s project to the global evolving concern with the class of so-called “forever chemicals,” or per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). While the EPA has not yet issued its evaluation of risks to human and environmental health from PFAS-bearing biosolids, WSSC Water believes that its current commitment to a high-quality, recyclable product at Piscataway is a sound one, nonetheless. 

October 30 was the official grand opening for Piscataway Bioenergy Facility.   The WSSC Water press release was titled “We’ve Got the Power! WSSC Water Celebrates Grand Opening of its Poop-to-Power Bioenergy Facility.”  Congressmen, local elected officials and agency senior staff, as well as the MDE Secretary, joined in the ceremony. This marked the moment, according to the press release, when WSSC Water “officially opened its $271 million Piscataway Bioenergy Facility in Accokeek, Maryland. The innovative plant, which was completed on budget and on time, will turn “Poop to Power” by turning methane gas into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) to power Montgomery County Ride On buses. …and [it] transforms how Maryland’s largest water utility handles biosolids…. Once fully operational in early 2025, all biosolids from WSSC Water’s five water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) will be delivered to the new plant.” 

Websites for Stantec and Hazen and Sawyer covered the significance of the project.  Stantec’s article explains: “The facility is projected to generate approximately $4 million per year in revenue, save WSSC Water customers approximately $3.4 million per year in operating costs, and further reduce WSSC Water’s greenhouse gas emissions.”  Hazen’s article explains: “The utility officially cut the ribbon on the $271 million bioenergy system on October 30…. This facility greatly reduces the amount of treated biosolids that need to be hauled away, which means fewer trucks and less fuel….”  Hazen elaborates on the elements of the new biosolids treatment system: 

  1. cake silo storage for the Piscataway cake and bins for receiving raw solids from the 4 other WSSC Water plants;

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Piscataway Bioenergy will accept truck deliveries of dewatered raw solids from all plants for blending and feeding into stabilization equipment

          2. the Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP) system for pretreating solids for enhanced digestion; 

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The Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis Process reactors, shown effective at DC Water’s Blue Plains plant, use high temperature and pressure steam to pretreat wastewater solids for high performance mesophilic anaerobic digestion.

         3. steam generators and associated piping for supplying pressured steam to the THPs, designed to accept various fuels from biogas and natural gas sources; 
         4. cooling heat exchanger to reduce the temperature of the sludge feed ahead of mesophilic digestion;
         5. two 1.5-million-gallon mesophilic anaerobic digesters;

spotlight 4

WSSC has built two conventional mesophilic digesters, each 1.5 million gallons in capacity, to digest the hydrolyzed wastewater solids, reducing organic matter by better than 50 percent, and converting it to biogas.

         6. belt filter presses to dewater the class A solids; 

         7. gas storage to contain the biogas produced during volatile solids destruction for clean up to remove moisture, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide to produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG); 

spotlight 5

Biogas from digestion is upgraded to high value by removing moisture, CO2, siloxane and sulfur compounds, such that the final gas is equivalent to natural gas, but with an attribute as renewable natural gas that confers high economic value.

         8. three 1.5 MW cogeneration engines to produce electricity from the RNG; 

         9. two anammox sidestream reactors for treating filtrate to remove ammonia prior to filtrate return to the head works;

spotlight 6

The sidestream treatment system uses a novel technique called deammonification that removes ammonia by using special bacteria grown on plastic media roughly the shape and size of wagon wheel pasta.

         10. covered storage and a loading station from which the biosolids product is distributed.

spotlight 7

Class A biosolids are dewatered by belt filter presses to remove excess water and sent to this loading station or to the adjoining covered storage area.

Ever since the Piscataway team – WSSC Water, HDR, PC Construction and engineering firms Stantec and Hazen, together -- reached its 30% design mark back in 2018, a principal goal was to have Piscataway run dependably with WSSC Water’s own operators. At the center of this goal emerged Will Mapes, the Chief Plant Operator, Bioenergy Facility. Over the period 2018 to today, Mapes’s role at WSSC Water has expanded with the expansion of the facility.  Mapes is particularly proud of the team of operators he has recruited.  Mapes has had a special focus on effective screening of sludge feeds to the THP and digester of trash, fibers and grit, to avoid equipment downtime and maintenance time. He has been also a keen advocate for treatment that minimizes odors in the final biosolids product, to avoid site odors and to keep product moving to customers. Mapes brings these kinds of overarching goals to the systems he will be living with every day. 

Supporting Mapes on the operability of Piscataway along the way has been Amanda Harris, the senior Commissioning Manager for PC Construction. She worked with PC Construction on Blue Plains as her first THP experience, and applied valuable lessons learned there to the WSSC Water project. When Piscataway is completed, Harris then will be taking on her third THP-MAD project, that of the facility planned for Arlington County Water Pollution Control Bureau.   For Harris, Piscataway has been a “dream,” and she gave a shout out to the commitment of WSSC Water to ensuring the facility will be designed and built with operations staff top-of-mind. Her current challenges include bringing the innovative sidestream deammonification system fully online and completing the installation of the boiler for the Cambi THP.  The boiler has been delayed by supply chain challenges but also by the requirement that it take all types of fuels in addition to RNG, including surplus biogas and exhaust from the generators.  

WSSC Water’s Piscataway Bioenergy Facility is very, very close to completion.  Over the next several months, solids from the outlying WRRFs are introduced to the receiving station, thereby expanding the volume of solids flowing through all components of the treatment train. Now that a final dewatered digested cake is in production at Piscataway the very significant “what’s next” for distribution of the dewatered cake is center stage. 2025 will be the year in which all parts of the dream, which took shape in 2018, are in place.

Congratulations to this amazing team.  

For more information, contact Mary Baker at [email protected] or 845-901-7905.

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